
Ambubachi Mela
Ambubachi Mela also locally known as “Ameti” or “Amoti” is the biggest religious congegretion in the North East India. The word “Ambu” means water and “Vasi” or “Bachi” means flowing. It is observed during the monsoon season in the month of ‘Ashara’ as per Assamese/ Bengali calender beginning with the seventh day which falls around 21st or 22nd of June of Gregorian Calender.
It is the time when Sun is in Zodiac of Mithuna and enters into the first Pada of Adra Constellation. The traditional belief is that during this time, the Devi who is worshipped as the Mother Earth enters into the period of her annual mensuration. Ambubachi has a deep rooted connection with ancient agricultural concept which compares that Mother Earth to a fertile woman.
Deodhani or Devadhwani Mela(Manasa Puja)
Beginning on the Sravana Sankranti (Juncture of two months) day, Manasa Puja is observed for three days in Natmandir (the middle part of the temple) of Kamakhya Temple. Deodhani Nritya, a shamanistic dance form is performed coinciding with Manasa Puja by persons believed to represent the spiritual power of a god or goddess.
The dancers are called the Deodhas, Ghora or Joki by local peoples. To witness the Deodhanis perform, thousands of people visit Kamakhya Temple every year.

Durga Puja

Durga Puja is one of the major festivals of Kamakhya and the whole place is seen in a festive mood. The celebration is quite different from other places. In the Kamakhya Temple, it is observed for a fortnight (Paksha) beginning with Krishna Navami and ending with Sukla Navami of Aswina, hence also called the Pakhua Puja.
The puja is performed in unique way with rituals like Mahasnan or the ritualistic bath of the deity (Pithasthan) with Panchagarva, Bali or sacrifice of buffaloes, goats, pigeons, fishes, gourds, pumpkins and sugarcanes.
Kumari Puja
Kumari Puja or the Virgin Worship forms an integral part of almost all the major pujas performed here, more so in Durga Puja. According to Hindu scriptures, Kumari puja commemorates the killing of Kolasur by the goddess Kali. According to legend, Kolasur had once occupied the heavens and the earth. The helpless deities approached Mahakali for help. Responding to their appeal, she was born again and, in the form of a maiden, killed Kolasur.
In this puja, a virgin girl (Kumari) is worshipped as a manifestation of the Goddess Kamakhya after being beautifully decorated with new red sari, garlands, sindur, jewellary, perfumes etc. Kumari puja is believed to grant many blessings on worshippers. It is said to remove all dangers. The philosophical basis of Kumari puja is to establish the value of women. The maiden symbolizes the seed of the powers that regulate creation, stability and destruction. A maiden is the early symbol of womanhood or nature. In this worship the universal mother appears to the devotee in the shape of a maiden.

Complete List of Festivals